Tuesday 30 October 2018

Task 2

Throughout years, stop motion has been available and created for telling stories, truths educating and entertaining. There are many ways to present animation and ways of using it, from this, it will be a simple way to understand the different ways it can be used and presented.

There are a lot of ways to educate people, a lot of them work harder than others to put messages across, this is because many people who like to watch educational videos that are presented in an animated way are children and they wouldn’t want lists of information, rather characters and an engaging story that by the end of it, would have learned something. There are far more TV shows than films that try to create an animation for this purpose; however there are companies such as Pixar that follow the line of entertainment yet teaches people young and old something that they never knew before, for example, their first film, Toy Story, has a group of toys that come alive but one goes missing and the other must bring him back, this film seems simple but it teaches children about abandonment, progress, reckless cruelty and friendship, films made by this studio deals large educational lessons for people of all ages making them a better person by the end. Moving onto shows, as there are far more of them than films that educate is something like Dora the explorer, a far more childish show than adult show, but it does teach children to read maps, new words in a different language and problem solving, shows like this teaches people about simplistic education, more to the side of education than entertainment and has people interact, having them repeat words and phrases, teaching them not only lessons after the showing, but also during.
All shows attempt to do this, you must provide a fun experience for the viewer if not educational, or else what is the point? Shows that can entertain succeed far greater than the films and TV that doesn’t. This reason for animation must provide an escape for the viewer, and as stress can follow people through life and problematic occurrences happen through life, entertainment must be provided towards all ages, animated films have provided entertainment since its existence, popular movies that have been released from a studio such as Dream Works, BBC, Pixar, Warner Brothers, Disney etc. A very popular and long living programme that is drawn animation is ‘Looney Tunes’ this show is built up of the premise of expectation and the breaking of that expectation. It is a simplistic show, but very entertaining show that provides a space, no matter what age you are, language is rarely used, so a language barrier is hardly shown, it can provide entertainment for all ages and languages, a perfect way of giving entertainment for everyone with a breakneck pace, keeping concentration, not creating boredom.
Most people that want to be informed of the world would probably want to know by the time they become late teenagers, this can also be applied for animated information, a show that comes to mind that provides informative, relevant information for that time would be South Park, they have been able to tackle many instances of history and are able to tackle topics that happen straight away as they make a show before its due air date a week prior, keeping an in the moment catch up of what is going on without having to check the news for the information, this show is great for information and entertainment, more adult entertainment, and can be easily proven as they are already on their 22nd season and show no stopping. Programs or films that can provide informative means in an animation is usually telling stories of present day or large historical instances.

Uses and Audience
Feature films are made to entertain most of all and provides escape with dilemmas in the film. A film such as ‘how to train your dragon’ provides entertainment and is made targeting towards children at eight and above, feature films provides a way of entertaining visual story telling. Other feature films that provide animation in them is Jason and the Argonauts, this way made far before the other example but does the same job, this film however adds real taken footage as well as animation, combining them to try and make it look realistic as possible rather than creating its own world, this proves that there are many reasons to create an animated film, the audience for ‘Jason and…’ is all ages preferable twelve and above as it contains action that may not be suitable for children and frightening images, the film has provided entertainment that would have taken a large amount of time to create. There are many positives to creating a feature film, people who work hard on the project, if goes well and all aspects of the film is don to a great standard, you have a film that will be remembered for large amounts of years, take 2001 A Space Odyssey as an example, a film just celebrating its 50th year since release with all seats filled in cinemas to celebrate, a 1968 Kubrick film that still captivates after hundreds of viewings. If it goes well with critics and audiences and brings large amounts of people, you are guaranteed you money back and a profit from the film. However, there are some negatives to this way of showing, it can take years to decades for one film if done right, a lot of hard work from many people meaning large payments, losing money, if the film goes badly with people, they and the studios will remember that. It can take a very long time Harryhausen stating 
stating "we usually took six months to lay our pictures out". This proves that its not a few days task to create animaiton for a feature film, but if done right, money, offers and applause will be given to the film.

Advertising is a simple, quick and easy way of creating a way of informing people about the new or re-released products or services from the company. An example of animation used in an advert was when the muppets had been involved with an advert released by Warburtons, it is a short but memorable advert having the ability to separate themselves from other adverts as they have a recognisable feature and a often used product. The benefits of advertising is to sum up the new products with an ability of using a small amount of money and takes little amount time to create drawbacks to this is that it can become costly depending on what you’re making, another drawback is that the money would be coming out of the companies pocket, making no profit from the advert itself.
Computer games has the ability of providing mostly entertainment and sometimes education. Computer games creates an escape with a necessary interaction between the player and the game involving involvement with the audience. As all games are computer generated and has people working on graphics, it can be considered an animation as it isn’t usually live action and rather tries to imitate real life with realistic graphics, a game such as Red Dead Redemption provides entertainment for the player and education from the times its was set, it informs the audience of what used to happen at the times and what society was like during 1905 of the southern end of North America. Many games have been able to gain more money from the people buying than it takes to make the game. There are benefits to making a computer game, you can make an interactive based form of media having people taking long time involvement into the project with an established brand, you can bring in a large sum of money from one game. There are however many drawbacks to making a computer game and that is there must be a large involvement with the game, people may try to break or cheat the game ruining it for others such as a multiplayer based platform. Big amounts of money must be put into the game needing to set the game at a high amount of money for purchase, but people may be put off by the price so that reduces a positive amount of income, many things are at stake such as time and money into the use of animation for this sort of way, but if done well and noticed from many people, you can bring in more money than you would with something such as a feature film, depending on the price set for the  computer game, large scale games such as a Rockstar game would be priced around £50 but a large amount of money to put into it, you just have to have realistic expectations for the project and the amount of people that will pay for and play for, affecting the audience attitude to the game. 

Techniques and formats
Claymation is an animation that involves people molding and caring pieces of clay, usually wet during the creation of the object and is made into a desired shape with a addition objects such as buttons and once waited for dry you take a picture of it, then you can re mold it for the pieces you want to move for the next frame which is preferred than the later which is remaking the mold, which may be necessary if changing its color or scale of the object. A film such as ‘Coraline’ uses Claymation animation as a way for its storytelling, Claymation adds a certain way of animation and proves that work has been put into them, when seen in detail, you can find finger prints in places proving that it was sculpted with people, although taking you out of the story, but admiring the work put into it. Wallace and Gromit is also made from play and it shown to add a cartoony appearance to the short films. This takes little time and effort compared to other works of animation if you keep one sculptor for one thing such as one Wallace and one Gromit, making them isn’t entirely tricky but many things can go wrong such as parts breaking away and the mold becoming noticeably changed taking audiences out of the film experience.
Found objects is probably the easiest way of animating, it needs no screen involvement from people or changing or creating things, you just take an object such as a lamp and move it slightly through each frame 12 times per second (1 hot lingering for two or more frames). This style of animation is good for a simplistic way of introduction to animation on a practical level, you traditionally would work harder with larger objects when making a feature length film with a story and characters in a found object animation, but it is usually used for small projects such as small promotional adverts or video projects that you want to make in a day. You would then probably go onto showing friends and family and that is where the audience would start and end, it’s a simple way of animation but still a way for people to get into it in the easiest less time-consuming way.
Cut out animation is like found objects but way harder, you first must draw a rough design of the object, places and people, you usually make separate legs, arms etc to match the movement of a leg or an arm. As it is a cut out animation, it would be shot from a bird view of the flat pieces of card/paper. Shows such as South park had made its first episode as a cut out animation, and although quickly moving onto computer graphic design, they keep the cut-out design of the show. This process is very time consuming if you’re making a 10-20-minute project, you shoot it as a found object way (12 shots per second). Although what you make is dependent of what you can make, it can become very hard to replicate the same arm 12 times in a slightly different way. Cut out animation is like a combination of Claymation and found objects, you cut instead of carving and you shoot it at a 1 shot per 2 frame basis for traditional quick movement for animation.

1 comment:

  1. Joe can you add the clips to match up with your written elements. This will allow you to use the clips to help describe the points you are making. Some greater discussion of the contemporary practitioners and their use of models how they communicate to different audiences who those audiences are. How do the early pioneers inventions help todays animators? Well done on the bibliography this will certainly save time at the end.
